ANSWER: The consensus among scholars is that it is permissible to mention Allah’s names while in the state of minor and major impurity. This means that the prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam simply didn’t want to mention Allah’s name except while in the state of purity. 

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ANSWER: If you are referring to your private part, this would be sufficient. But if the impurity is on your clothes, you need to wash impurities off and squeeze it until it is gone. With mathi, sprinkling it with water and running it over it is sufficient.

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ANSWER: Everything is pure unless physically proven otherwise by either smell, colour or certainty that najis is present on it.

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ANSWER: What affects the purity of your clothes are human urine, feces, blood coming from the private parts, urine and feces of animals that we can’t eat, the blood gushing out when an animal is being slaughtered etc. 

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ANSWER: No, because your ghusl is not invalidated by this. You must renew your wudu before praying though, as your wudu is invalidated.

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ANSWER: This cannot be stopped as this is beyond your control and something natural.

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