ANSWER: Allah says: “Fear Allah to the best of your ability.” If they attack masjids and try to insult it and the Quran and the Muslims are greater in number and can defend the masjids, they should do so. If they are overpowered and are less in number and arms, they should refrain from defending […]

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ANSWER: Approach the Islamic center or masjid and ask them to help you get married so you can get out of that environment. Until then, continue to be steadfast in prayers and try to soften their hearts towards Islam. The more she mocks you, the more this should make you stronger. Don’t pay her any […]

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ANSWER: You can pray to Allah for their guidance and health in this world. You must not ask Allah for their forgiveness or to have mercy on them until they accept Islam.  However, you must not be intimate friends with them where you hang out or spend quality time together, you can just be acquaintances […]

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ANSWER: You will never understand Islam until you submit your will to Allah and feel like a slave and a servant to Him rather than objecting with zero knowledge and a great amount of arrogance!  How dare you speak like this and describe the rulings of Islam as hypocritical without knowledge? First of all, Muslim […]

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