ANSWER: No problem, however if it comes in contact with wet skin, the impurity would transfer and you must wash that part off but no need for ghusl.  And why would someone wear impure clothes?

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ANSWER: If she did not see a wet dream but sees a significant amount of discharge in her undergarment, she must perform ghusl as this was an ejaculation of semen which requires ghusl. If the amount is small, then most likely this is mathi which is impure and only requires washing the affected areas and […]

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ANSWER: Yes, pouring water over them does the job. You don’t need to insert water inside the cavity.

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ANSWER: It is obligatory to shave the pubic and pluck or remove the armpit hair for both males and females whenever it gets long providing this doesn’t exceed 40 days. 

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ANSWER: This is permissible as a form of adkhar. What is prohibited is to recite Qur’an while in the state of major sexual impurity. 

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ANSWER: It seems what you are referring to is mathi or prostatic fluid as this is what comes usually when a person is excited.This is impure and requires washing the affected areas and renewal of wudu. What requires ghusul is mani or semen. This comes out in a gushing manner, accompanied by desire and sensational […]

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