Khul’a is an agreement between a man and his wife to separate for a sum of money the wife gives to the husband. If he doesn’t take money and agrees for separation without any financial compensation, this is divorce and its Iddah is 3 menstruations. The woman is considered a wife until she finishes these […]

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I don’t recall something like that happening at the time of the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam . However, there is a difference between separation enforced by the Judge and Khul’a. If there is proven harm on the wife, the judge has the right to grant her divorce and separation from her husband without […]

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Khul’a is requested by the wife and the husband demands financial compensation. Therefore, whether it was requested by email or personally, this doesn’t matter. What matters is the husband’s agreement on taking the money in return of Khul’a.

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What is khula and what is the correct procedure? If the husband does not want to divorce the wife, can the divorce still happen? What about in societies like America, where women who don’t like their husbands (in some case, because the husbands are religious). The women think that they have the freedom that if […]

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