The wives of the prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam were ordered to stay home and not to leave unless it is needed. This also applies for other women. They can work if it is segregated and their guardian allows it.

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If they are saying this to other employees or other people, this is backbiting. If they are evaluating a certain employee with other managers purely for professional reasons, they can use more diplomatic language  in order to avoid speaking ill of that employee.

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This is not permissible as it is approving of their shirk and disbelief and collaborating with them! If the celebration was halal and doesn’t include any haram such as music, free mixing, alcohol etc, this is permissible as in Muslim weddings. Birthdays and the likes are prohibited.

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If it sells cat, dogs and other pets such as snakes, this is prohibited to work there.

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You must leave this job at once and repent to Allah because your earning is haram and this is why you feel depressed.

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