ANSWER: You can’t do anything! As long as you are maintaining your athkar, there is nothing for you to fear as you are protected with the grace of Allah.
Read moreANSWER: Jinns do eavesdrop but what they hear is very negligible. Al-Bukhaari (6213) and Muslim (2228) narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: Some people asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about soothsayers. The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) […]
Read moreANSWER: You should tell them that jinn inhabits places of sins and where people do not pray as the angels abandons such places.
Read moreANSWER: No, jinn cannot be seen in their actual form by humans.
Read moreANSWER: One can seek refuge in Allah by saying Aaoothbillah hi minash shaytan nir rajeem. One can also call the athan as this wards jinn away with the grace of Allah.
Read moreANSWER: The whole house.
Read moreANSWER: This is authentic. It must be 7 ajwa dates eaten early morning every day, specifically to protect from magic and poison. Whether it should be from Madina or not, this is an issue of dispute. It seems to me that this is a speciality only for the Ajwah of Madina.
Read moreANSWER: No problem in menstruating women burning off the taweez while reciting the last three surahs of the Quran. Simply throw away the ashes in the dustbin!
Read moreANSWER: True, but this should be completed in the same house in the same day.
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