ANSWER: His children and grandchildren must keep reminding him with wisdom, good manners and knowledge. However, if his memory has totally deteriorated and he is classified as insane and cannot differentiate between day and night then he’s not accountable and it doesn’t matter if he does not pray. 

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ANSWER: The so-called “Burda shareef” contains a lot of shirk and you must not recite nor listen to that at all.

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ANSWER: When scholars say that studying in a mixed school is prohibited, it is for this reason as such environment of free mixing and socializing weakens a person’s Iman and hardens their hearts.  You have a choice between following the footsteps of the prophet salla allahu alalihi wa sallam and his companions when they stood […]

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ANSWER: Marrying the 2nd man with the intention to get back to the 1st one after divorcing her is a trick and this is prohibited. Praise be to Allaah. If a man divorces his wife for the third time, then she is not permissible for him to marry until she has married another man, because […]

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