ANSWER: If there is no chance to delay the exam, you should try to make a Friday prayer after the exam at school with two or more muslim students. If this is not possible, you can pray it thuhur. 

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ANSWER: First of all, you must not be in contact with anyone before marriage like this as any type of communication with a non mahram is prohibited and sinful.  Secondly, education is just a certificate that people get from school or university that has no significance except in maybe finding a job. It doesn’t mean […]

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ANSWER: What will you be doing in the remaining time while the imam is reading the salutation upon the prophet salla allahu alaihi wa sallam? You must read the whole thing until he offers salam!

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ANSWER: As long as you have sincerely repented to Allah and you are away from such heinous major sins now and blocked all means that would lead you astray again, you can get married to him and be a good, dutiful wife.  You must not ever tell a single person about your sins, not even […]

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