…Instead of a protector, provider, he becomes a destroyer for the children. How to deal with such a father Islamically? Does he still deserve the respect a father deserves? Can the daughters change their guardianship?



Even in these harsh conditions, his right over you remains great and this is something that Allah mandated upon us. His abuse and his wrong doings, he will be questioned about on the day of judgment but this doesn’t allow you to change your guardianship as this is not to you.

You have to respect him and treat him well. If he becomes physically abusive to the extent that you fear for your life, you may stay away from him. Likewise, if he is not supporting your marriage and he is rejecting all proposals without a legitimate reason, you can complain to the Muslim judge and he will become your guardian.

What if the father is not fulfilling any of his responsibilities towards the daughter or children in general? Instead he abuses her verbally and may even resort to beating at times….

Character and Morals |