It is not permissible to work in a mix environment with men and like men go. She has to force her husband to work and she has to make with what little money she has. She must improvise and try to find a job that has no mixing, even if she has to work as a genitor in an all female or children place.

She can teach English from home or she can be a math teacher for those who don’t want to send their children to school.

She can work from home to assist those studying in universities and help them make their papers and researches.

Whenever there is a will, there is a way but most people are reluctant to compromise their standard of living and prefer to continue doing what they are doing, knowing that this doesn’t please Allah.

And Allah knows best

What about a sister who works in a mixed environment in the West (engineering) because: 1.She went to school for her trade and that’s all she knows how to do. Her parents sent her out like a man to be educated, live alone, and provide for herself. 2. Noone will or can financially support her (Her new husband has no job and even when he works it is not enough to support the family, she has debts to pay off, and she has to support her son from a previous marriage)3. There are no jobs in her area (America) that are all female. Even there are males in the pregancy wards in hospitals and in Daycares. And she does not have training for those things. 4. She asked her boss to work from home and he said no. Also, she has made duaa to Allah for more than a year to help her to change her situation. Noone cares about the Muslim women who are from the West, except Allah. Noone is financially helping them so they can stay home and take care of their children. Not even the families. Lot’s of women are in this situation. What is the Ruling?

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