This feeling is from Satan because you closed a big door in his face as he was hoping to use this relationship to take you with him to hell.

Al hamdu li Allah that you have stopped communicating with him.

Now, you have to believe that Allah is most forgiving and merciful and that He will forgive you as long as you are feeling remorse.

Don’t listen to Satan’s whispers as this relationship was not pleasing Allah. You have done the right thing and Allah will send you a righteous and practicing brother who would live you and cherish you.

There is this man that says he loves me and he wants to marry me, he even swear it on the quraan just to prove to me that he is serious. but I don’t think my parents will accept him because we are not from the same tribe. Should I give him my number and should I tell him where I live so he can come and ask my parents for my hand in marriage. I’m afraid that he will get hurt

Pre-Marital Relations |