This incident was reported in the interpretation and the reason of revealing Surat Al Tahreem.

However, there is a hadeeth in Sunan Al Nassa’ee stating that the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam made one of his slave servants forbidden for him to touch. There is also hadeeths in Saheeh Albukhari and Muslim stating that this verse was revealed in the incident when the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam made a certain type of honey forbidden due to the complaint of two of his wives. The Surah can’t be revealed for two different incidents at the same time.

The majority of scholars disregarded the first interpretation because the one in the Saheeh is more authentic and reliable. Also, it is not part of the custom of the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam to do such a thing, and Allah knows best.

Sheikh I want to ask you about a story that I keep finding on the net and in some books and even in the classes that I went here in Kuwait I heard about it. There is this incident about Maria the Christian slave from Egypt that was a gift for our Prophet and the one of the wives of the Prophet Mohammed (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam). They say that Hafsa caught the Prophet with Maria in her room being close to her. And she became very upset of the fact that he (salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam) was nice to Maria in her room. And that he didn’t respect her privacy and her house. So he promised that he will not touch Maria again with the condition that she will not tell to anyone about this. But she went and told Aisha, meanwhile the Prophet had a revelation through which he was informed that Hafsa went and told his secret and she was surprised how come he found out. And he told her that Allah had informed him about her going and telling his secret. Is this authentic or not?