You are mixing apples with oranges!

You must not play with the Quran like this as you don’t know Arabic and you are mixing words of different meaning together.

It is obvious that you haven’t read the Quran well as if you read 53:37, you will find that this word you quoted is used with humans “Ibraheem”, to mean fulfill.

The word you are referring to is وفاة and the verb of it is يتوفى and this is different than the other previous one!

Muslims can’t understand the Quran properly without knowing the Sunnah that explains and interprets the Quran! Failing to do this would make you an innovator and a deviant person who wants to dismantle the Sunnah! 

Sheikh, i have question that in grammer word “وفی” means “fulfill” like fulfill reward or promise, but in whole quran whenever this word is used in relation to human it has meant “Death (take soul) or Sleep”. So why in case of Prophet Esa AS وفی means to take as whole (with body and soul) referring to Al quran 3:55, he was also a human and upon his return to earth how will he not be called a