These are whispers of Satan to make you miserable and depressed. Ignore them and do not indulge in such thoughts as they would lead to overthinking and lead you astray ultimately. You must learn your religion well from the basics as knowledge will erase such thoughts.

Overthinking is basically the result of not having complete reliance and dependence on Allah. You must put all your worries and fears in Allah’s hands and do your best and believe and trust that He will take care of all this.

And remember Allah is as His slave thinks of Him so always have the best hope in Allah.

Sheikh for a few months I have been suffering from negative thoughts about my future I can’t take it anymore, I think about what will happen and I think all bad things. I have come to do nothing more because I think that if I do it will go wrong and I am afraid of people who could ruin my future. I am very believer but I don’t know shaytan influence me maybe.