One should do his thikr after finishing his obligatory prayers directly, and one can move his body and change his place or even leave the masjid and continue his thikr while doing so except after fajr and maghreb, as one should say “la ilaha illa Allah wahdaho la sharika lah , lahu almulk wa laho alhamd wa hwa ala kulli shai’in qadeer”, ten times before he changes his place or moves his body, in order to get the reward.

Shaikh, Dhikr every after fard salah, should we stay sitting after fard salah or we can do dhikr standing too and dont have to be in the mosque,shall we do dhikr with the Imam or on our own,can we do dhikr after Sunnah prayers that are prayed after fard, or it must be after fard prayer?

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