Wa alaikum salam,

My son, your future should be Paradise and not a soccer team!

Fasting is a pillar of Islam and no one is expected from it except a traveler or someone who is sick!

It is a major sin to break fasting without a legitimate reason and it is even a bigger sin when you don’t thank Allah for the health and strength He had given you by skipping your obligations for such a thing!

Participating in professional soccer is not recommended if not prohibited due to the many sins involved.  Don’t leave your education for something like this! All it takes is one ACL which can ruin the career of a footballer!

Salamo aleykom respected Scholar, I am 27 ans tryingout for professional soccer and putting my school on hold for one semester and I have to be extremely fit by July. Ramadhan is tomorrow and I am currently in the middle of my preparation .I wil be putting my body under extraneous circumstances for it as Allah knows might be my future. Would I be able to make up my Ramadhan after? JazakAllah

Fasting |