This is something that we have to believe in it without being able to see it. no one knows when lailatul Qadr is and this is to Allah only.

Regarding laitul qadr: i read fatawa on islamqa about it being in different times zones, e.g australia being ahead of makkah etc. this i understand because its still the same night just different time zone.however, the below is where i’m confused:regarding those scholars who say month should start and end according to local sighting e.g. that why have india/pakistan doing ramadan and eid 1-2 days after makkah. uk is divided on what opinion to do those scholars reconcile this with lait ul qadr- since that is one night, so do those people seeking,lailatul qadr according to makkah’s odd night or 10 nights or their own? if the whole world is following same day fasting, the above confusion is not e.g. lets say its night x in makkah which is an odd night (most likely), but then you have (as explained above), countries doing ramadan different days- so then there laitul qadr night would be on an different night i.e. lets say its 27th night in makkah for others its their 26th night as they started ramadan one day later.i have another example: lets say its eid in makkah, but other countries are still on their last night ramadan, now according to makkah lailtul qadr is over…

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