Allah ordered us to be kind, dutiful, obedient and respectful towards our mothers! What can be worse than saddening her and depressing her by confronting her with such hurtful things? 

You should suppress your feelings and acknowledge that even if she slaps you with her slippers everyday, she is still your mother and your gateway to paradise.

Sheikh whenever my mother gets upset even for a small thing she could speak ill towards us, hurtful things. How can we stop her from this? Even if we try to tell her nicely if she is not angry or share to her lectures about this it seems that she never changes or realize that we can be hurt whenever she says negative things.She never apologises to us coz for her she’s our mother.


My mother did something to me that hurts my heart every time it crosses my mind although I have forgiven her. My heart grieves and I try my best to stop thinking about it so it won’t affect my relationship with her yet it’s difficult. Is it right if I informed her about it so it won’t happen again and so I may experience peace in sha Allāh?

Fiqh of the family |