Tell him to get closer to Allah, and ask Him to cure him from his disease, and if he doesn’t get cured , he has to know that this is a test for his eman, if he passes this test in dunya he will pass in the hereafter.
Remind him of the hadeeth that thebone who looses his beloved eyes he will get the jannah.
And this is a promise for those who accept the choice of Allah. If he doesn’t pray, he is not a Muslim anymore and he is in great danger.

My friend is losing faith in Islam after being told by the doctor he will go blind within 5 years. He s confused and lives away from home to study, surrounded by western culture and has never been too religious however he claimed to have tried praying after receiving the bad news but felt nothing. What advice can I give him?

Etiquette, Morals and Heart-Softeners |