They should feel sad for themselves as they do not abide by the Quran and
the sunnah. Muslims are submissive to their religion. Their freedom comes from following the instructions of Allah. In the UK and elsewhere, women in general must undergo many relationship with the opposite gender. They may call it friendship and some may call it co existence. They all agree that this is the definition of freedom.

Women in Saudi Arabia are not subjected to watch the Western media
portray them as oppressed. Women are free to study and to go whenever they want providing that their guardian, Who is usually their father or their husband, approves of it. A woman who is not controlled, a woman who is unleashed is a weapon of mass distraction. This is exactly what you men want of her.

Therefore, feel sorry for the women in your country and leave our Muslim
women alone, who are proud of their hijab and Islam!

I’ve been inspired by many speakers against the Guardianship system in Saudi Arabia here in the U.K. I wanted to ask why are women being oppressed and subjugated by their guardians. I mean they can live their on their own. Many women in UK enjoy their lives and i feel sad for Saudi Arabian women that they have to stay in house and cant go out without permission!

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