They have no such rights, none whatsoever and they’re definitely sinful for this transgression!

You have all the right in Islam to ask your husband for a separate accommodation. Your in laws have no say or right in this. He must fear Allah and give you your rights.

However, you must be smart in dealing with this sensitive issue. Do not nag your husband about this, rather be patient and talk to him in a diplomatic and loving manner when he’s in a good mood.

If he cannot give you a separate house, you can ask for a separate room, washroom and a place to cook of your own in the same house where no one would enter without your permission. However you must be diplomatic and smart about how to approach him when he is in a good mood and not nag him about this. You have to weigh all options and choices you have and select the right one on the long run and not on the short run.

My motherinlaw is bing vry aggressive and vile towards me, I’m not allowd to sit with the family eat with the family n also cook for my husband or myself. She says I can’t eat the food she makes when she sleeps I go to kitchen to eat.She keeps calin me very hurtful names and brings my father and family into it,I only leave my room for work,husband says he won’t move out! What cn I do

It’s been months I’m living away from my husband because his parents got involved in our small argument. we have a daughter who’s 1yo. He refrains from taking care of our daughter until I come back & listen to his parents & live according to their rules. Both of us have always been very respectful & dedicated towards his parents but they’re very controlling & over protective which affects our privacy & personal life.