1. Give 4000 Dinaars in Sadaqah & then sleep
2. Read one complete Quran & then sleep
3. Pay the price for Janna’h & then sleep
4. Make 2 people happy with each other when they are upset & then sleep
5. Do 1 hajj & then sleep

Hazrat Ali (Radhi Allahu anhu) said, Ya Rasulallah! These looks
impossible! How will I be able to do it? Then the Prophet (SAW) replied:
1. Reading surah Fatiha (4 Times) is equal to as 4 thousand Dinaars giving in Sadaqah.
2. Reading (3 Times) surah Ikhlas (Qul hualla hu ahad) is equal to 1 complete reading of Al-Quran.
3. Reading 3 times of any durood shareef (Shortest: Sallalahu Alaihi Wa Salam) is the price of janna’h.
4. 10 times of Astarghfirullah (or any istighfar) is equal to making 2 unhappy people happy with each other.
5. 4 times saying of 3rd Kalimah is equal to 1 hajj.

After this Ali (Radhiallahu anhu) said, Ya Rasulallah sallallahu alaihi wassalam! Now I will do all these before going to bed.

This is not authentic.

Is this authentic and from what books of hadith is it compiled? The Prophet (SAW) one day said to Ali (RA): Ya Ali! Do these 5 things before going to bed at night:…

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