I am certain we pay enough Zakaah and to the best of my knowledge I have not been unfair to anyone or mistreated anyone. What should I do to comfort myself. I pray this is a way of expiating my sins or a type of sadqa upon my family. Pls guide me as to what Islam says about lost property

Lost properties are like any other calamity that strikes people to test their patience and acceptance to Allah’s decree. Righteous people are always grateful to Allah when a calamity hits them. They are grateful because it could have been worse.

Losing an earning is not like having a car accident or like losing an arm or a leg. It is surely not like losing one of our love ones or losing our job.

Therefore, on tries his or her best to be grateful to Allah.

I was wearing earrings and realized last night that one of them fell out of my ear somewhere. I am just concerned as to why it got lost. Is there anything in Islam to this regrds.

Illegitimate children & Lost property |