No, you are not doing the right thing at all!

You are not a doormat and he is not the last man on earth!

Someone who is sinful and proud of it and he doesn’t have the courage to speak to his parents and he is not man enough to marry you, who would ever consider marrying someone like him?

There is no security in marrying someone like this.

Fear Allah and totally forget all about him and repent to Allah and ask Him for forgiveness. Allah will send you someone better than him.

I wanna marry someone but as per my knowledge he is engaged in some prohibited things . He Don’t wanna marry me as he can’t talk to his family members and I’m thinking that I should pray for him that Allah changes him and open door of marriage for me with him. I am not in contact with him now. I really wanna marry him. Am I doing right if not then what should I do?

Fiqh of Marriage, Pre-Marital Relations |