
If you are feeling depressed, this means that you are not on the right track as a believer doesn’t become depressed except for a little while.

You should balance your life and look at this Dunya as a stage which Allah made for us to go through and that we should utilize it to the fullest in terms that would please Allah.

As a reminder, our Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam used to love women, perfumes and to drink cold water with some sweats in it to sweeten the taste. He used to eat meant and love the parts coming from the shoulder. He used to enjoy what was halal and so should you.

I m starting to be not interested anymore in this duniaa ,and to love the hereafter, I m starting to don’t look to the beauty of this life and to the beauty of my home and everything regarded this life, but I get a problem ,I get depression and I m felling unhappy .My question is, is it a good way to became more spiritual ?Or I must be balanced in loving what Allah gave me and not to became a sad person.

Etiquette, Morals and Heart-Softeners |