I don’t believe that the court has anything to do with that as there is a contract and prior approval from you.
If she is not willing to go back with you, you can divorce her and remarry a better woman or take another wife.

I live in Jeddah and came on dependent visa on my wifes job visa. I tried to find job based on my qualification (MBA-marketing from Australia), but no success because of my visa status, as i am not allowed to work. So i want to go back to India where I can easily find the job. I am also well-off with money as I receive rental income. It was my wife decision to live in Saudi with her parents and wanted to work. I want to take her back to India and she is refusing. My question is that, if I go to sharia court would they will inform the ministry to cancel her job visa and send her back with me. She said the courts here can easily nullify the marriage if the wife ask for KHULA.

Divorce |