You need to have a balance in reciting Quran with understanding and memorizing and ignore all these thoughts. Whatever you recite, try to understand it by following its translation (especially if you are a non-Arab). These thoughts you are getting is surely from Satan and he doesn’t intend well for you nor he wants what is good for you!

I know reading Quran is a great thing, but sometimes I read Quran and I feel bad. Why? Because I read Quran verses and hadith saying how people recite but they don’t ponder at all. Lately, I’ve been pondering over the Quran – not that much though. I love reciting certain surahs cause they sound beautiful. I also like to memorize Quran but I get thoughts and I remember about the verses and hadith of pondering the Quran. Sometimes I hinder my memorization because I feel like I’m being “excessive” and I should balance pondering Quran and memorizing. SO I feel like an idiot. Is it okay if I recite and memorize more than pondering? And is this from Shaytaan?

Reading/Reciting the Quran |