Does she have to wait 3 months from the date the divorce is actually made final by a lawyer , or did the three month waiting period start last year when she seperated from him and started the process of divorce ?


It is one of three:

1- Divorce which is given by the husband.

2- Khul’a which is separation in return of compensation given to the husband.

3- Separation by force from the Islamic judge.

If the husband said to her that she is divorced and he didn’t get her back until her 3 menstruation cycles were over, she is now a free woman, regardless of the legal papers.

But if it is the judge who would rule the separation and the husband didn’t say the words, she has to wait until the issue is finalized and then she would start her waiting period.

I know a muslim lady who seperated from her husband about a year ago but the divorce won’t be finalised in law until the end of November

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