Sleeping is not a sin as a person is not held accounted to his actions while he is asleep. However, he is held accountable for the things he does when he is awake.

Therefore, if you take the necessary measures to wake up and you go to bed early but still fail to wake up, Allah will not hold you accountable because you did your best.

You should try your best to sleep early. Try your best to surround yourself with righteous people who would remind you when you forget and to correct you when you make a mistake. Try your best not to satisfy Satan by falling into sin and by oversleeping.

I am a brother in my teens … now the thing is the days I miss fajr in the morning … or miss my islamic classes due to oversleeping … I feel very bad when I wake up. I woke up for fajr, but went back to sleep. What should i do sheikh?

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