We learn from our mistakes and life is all about experiences! 

When you eat a hot dish of soup for the first time, you are scalded by it! This doesn’t prevent you from eating soup over and over again but it makes you more careful!

The same goes with trusting people. You can’t trust everyone but at the same time, you shouldn’t doubt everyone or treat them in a bad way based on the fact that they might stab you like others did!

Keep you guard a bit up but learn to trust with caution! 

For my 22 years of life i trusted everyone blindly because i felt everyone wants someone to be there for them and in return i was stabbed severely. Now i can’t trust people. Even myself. My heart has solid walls around it so people now hate me. When i think i should off the guard the past savage pain warns me to not. What should i do?

Etiquette, Morals and Heart-Softeners |