ANSWER: She is not an orphan anymore, orphans are children who don’t reach puberty and who lost their fathers and not mothers.

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ANSWER: She can do sajda Shukar without wudu, even in her periods.  Doing just a sajda, except for sajda Shukar and sajda tilawah, is not part of the sunnah hence its an innovation.  Kindly refer to the following link(s):

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ANSWER: You can add zam zam in normal water if the zam zam is less.  

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ANSWER: This is a statement of kufr as it is disrespecting the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam. 

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ANSWER: You are a slave! Once you have arrogant feelings or you feel like objecting to Allah or defying His commands, you are no longer a slave and such arrogance would take you straight to hell. Kindly refer to the following link(s):

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