ANSWER: No, this is not permissible. Zakat should be given in cash to poor and needy Muslims and they will do whatever they want with it. 

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ANSWER: No problem in sleeping after Fajr. You can perform several acts of worship when you wake up by reading Quran, giving in charity, the sky is the limit! If you sleep early at night, you will be able to stay awake. 

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ANSWER: This is not correct, if a woman has a certain temporary excuse that prevents her from fasting, then she must make up the days she missed once such an excuse is gone and there is no kaffara on her.

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ANSWER: If you are a man and you wake up finding traces of semen, this is nocturnal emission and you must perform ghusul and your fast is valid.  But if it is only a drop or to, then this is most likely mathi (prostatic fluid) and this doesn’t require ghusul. You simply wash it and […]

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ANSWER: Yes, if done intentionally and Water went into your throat and stomach. 

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