This statement is a statement of Kufr and disbelief! Those you see and know are not real practicing Muslims and islam can’t be judged by either the likes of you or the likes of them!

You are so far away from Islam, Quran and sunnah that you believe that such a big lie that this Hindu is saying might carry some weight! This is by itself a big lie.

The lies and deception in non Muslims are far greater than that found within Muslims.

Taking non Muslims as confidants and close friends is prohibited in Islam.

Brother, in school I had this Muslim friend who ended up betraying me and lying about me to others, I was in English and we have a mutual friend named Arjun who is Hindu I’m pretty sure. So I told him how this guy was lying about me and I told him how I couldn’t believe he would do that because he is Muslim. Arjun then said “what the hell are u talking about! Muslims are the biggest liars in the world” brother, this has hurt me cause in my experience so far it is true and even me as a Muslim I lie also and I feel so humiliated that a Hindu who probably worships idols and rejects our prophet Muhammad can say this to me. Shaytan is bothering me a lot about this. Brother, are Muslims the biggest liars in the world? Can u maybe clarify me?

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