Wa alaikum salaam,

she was out of place to think like that and he is right to demand from her to not interact with strange men. A man who is not jealous is not a man.

Assalamu alikum,Is it permissible for a husband to be possessive about his wife ?If yes, how far he can do that ? Is there any limit as it may lead to some other problem in relationship like suspicion, spying etc ? For example, due to financial crisis husband allowed her wife to work. But sometimes husband react to his wife due to her interaction with malecolleague. Her point is as she is working, it may happens sometimes and she is trying her best to avoid such interaction. Now she is blaming her husband as a suspicious guy, she termed it ” excessive possessiveness “. She is about to leave her job, it was for a short timeand she is asking her husband to have trust on her. So is it ” excessive possessiveness ” from husband ?

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