Whenever one claims he has rules and regulations in his religion, we must analyze his religion, sacred scriptures and their rulings to see whether it is divine or man made!

Such “acid test” is done to determine whether we are following a correct religion or a man made one!

When you study Hinduism, you clearly can see – if you are objective – that it can’t be divine!

There are no original sacred scriptures found and only their priests can teach and interpret it!

In Islam, hundreds of millions of Muslims memorize Quran by heart. If I make a mistake in a single letter during prayer, a 10 year old child can correct me publicly.

In Hinduism, they worship thousands of different gods and images. They have the concept of trinity that was later adopted by the Christians in worshipping Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva!

Muslims worship only one God who was not born and doesn’t have children or a wife and doesn’t need any one.

They make cows, reptiles, monkeys and other animals sacred! As for the cast system and making Shudras as cheap as monkeys and dogs! I don’t have to compare this to Islam where all are equal regardless of origin, color or ethnicity.

As for the karma, burning the wife alive with her deceased husband, the disbelief in the day of judgement and the concept of reincarnation etc, there are so many things that make no sense or logic but I think the above makes sense to those wanting to know the truth!

As per islam saying that there is no certain rules, statues and religious practices in hindhu. there is only one universal god. Though you are saying all these, but while coming to islam there are also certain rules like duas, fasting, reading qurans. How you say that the rules fellowed by hindhus is wrong and rules fellowed by muslims are correct.

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