The Prophet (saws)came into his dream, gave him “basharat” (glad tiding) of rain, and also asked him to warn Hazrat Umar about the coming
threats. Hazrat Umar when listened his dream wept and assured that he would remain careful as much as possible


This story is not authentic and even if it was, there is no evidence in it for them.

If seeking intercession from the Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam is permissible, why didn’t Omer himself ask his for rain?

If he was alive in his grave, why didn’t Abu Bakr ask him what to do when the people rejected Islam and fought against paying the zakat?

Why didn’t Fatima, may Allah be pleased with her complain to him when Abu Bakr told her that Prophets don’t leave inheritance to their heirs?

What the y are trying to prove is baseless in Islam and it is against Islam.

A Sahabi and 2nd Caliph Hadrat Umar benefiting from intercession of Prophet during the reign of Hazrat Umar a drought badly threatened the ummah. A person went to Prophet’s (saws) grave and sought for help

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