Islam is submitting your will to Allah and fulfilling His commands and orders without any questions asked!

Satan was ordered to prostrate to Adam. He failed to comply and wanted to know the logic behind this order and hence, he was doomed to hell for eternity.

As Muslims, we say: we hear and we obey and we don’t object with such lame justifications to Allah’s orders!

It is simply sufficient for us to know that this is what Allah has ordered us to do and forbade us from doing.

Someone asked me what is wrong with tattooing since our body is made of earth and to the earth the body perishes when once it’s buried so it’s okay to do what you want to do with your physical self cause it’s the soul that leaves the body which is not tarnished by our actions. Your help will be much appreciated if you could please explain in the most informative manner, thank you.

Divine Will and Decree |