Your husband is ignorant and sinful! It seems he has little Iman in his heart while he objects to Allah in such a way. When Allah tests people with no job, they should express their poverty to Allah and
return to Him in repentance. To be defiant and rebellious indicates that he is an ignorant person.
He might be a good human but indeed he is a bad Muslim.
Keep on making Duaa for him and reminding him and advising him to get
back to Allah!
Allah doesn’t need him nor those who are like him. It is he who needs Allah!

My husband gambles. But when I said him to leave it he says if allah would give him some work he will definitely leave it. As he do not have any work for last 5 years. I pray and beg allah to give him some work. What should I do I don’t understand please help me. He is very good human.

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