
It is obvious that living in London is weakening your Iman and it is making you compromise a lot of your Islam.

You say that you want to get closer to Allah but living in London and working probably in a mixed environment would only draw you away from Allah.

It is not permissible to delay a prayer until the following prayer is due. Whoever does this can’t pray it all once he gets back home and it wouldn’t be accepted from him or her even if they do it.

I suggest that you go back to your country and your family and leave London, if you want to get closer to Allah.

I’m a Muslim born woman and I work in London, however my family is in another country. I pray my salat but because of working hours sometimes I can’t pray them on time and I make them up at home. My problem is that I feel I am not worshiping Allah the way He deserves to be worshiped, I do my best but sometimes I make mistakes and I try to go forward but I feel so weak. I do not know from where to start or what to do, I feel lost.

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