Muraqaba is to be aware that Allah is watching you so that you don’t do sins or leave mandatory obligations. All proper Muslims do that. This is not an isolated thing that a person does in a temple or a place of seclusion as the Sufis claim! 

There’s no concept of meditation in Islam. Even while praying, we are required to keep our eyes open and pray with full concentration unlike meditation where people close their eyes and meditate in such a way that they are not even aware of their surroundings and go into a trance. 

I just wanted to know is muraqba( meditation) from sunnah?? Many peer here in pakistan asked their followers to do meditation in which one have to close his eyes and feeling voice from heart saying Allah. Allah. Not saying with toung. And feeling Allah is listening him and sendinh His blessing upon him. Is it from sunnah?? One should have to perfome this?if yes then how?

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