If he doesn’t earn enough and you are working, why would you burden him by asking him to give you something? He is poor and unable to make ends meet!

You want him to stop sending any money to his parents and family and give you an allowance while he sees you working and earning more than him! Wouldn’t that be too selfish from your side? 

Either quit your job and stay home and ask him to provide for you or accept him for who he is or file for divorce and set yourself free and let him marry someone else who wouldn’t be so narrow minded by demanding from him what he can’t afford! 

QUESTION:  Shiekh, My husband came to US two years ago. He is working, but still struggling to meet our needs. I work and take care of my own needs.Each month he sends money to his family back home even he doesn’t have enough to send.He doesn’t give me any allowance. Even if I am working and contributing to home more than him, shouldn’t he give me something for my allowance as a husband?

Fiqh of Marriage, Kind Treatment of Spouses |