This lack of trust and dependence on Allah and weakness of Iman.

One must believe in Allah’s divine decree and that everything was written in the preserved tablet 50,000 years before Allah created the creation.

Life is not worth being depressed over and one must look at the positive things in life in order to be able to enjoy it. 

Sheikh these days i have started hating others because of my Overthinking, I don’t like to meet some people at all.I offer my prayers and also read Islamic book. Sheikh I hate those because of their selfish nature or dominating others. Sheikh I believe in marriage as it is one of the greatest Sunnah thou I have start running from it thinking that I will not get loyalty nor love.

QUESTION: Sheikh, I get depression once in every year. About how will I be able to pass the exams or which career option to opt for after 12th the depression lasts for a month or two in this duration i won’t be able to sleep and I won’t eat properly my health gets effected by this but whenever this duration comes i become more religious is it a sing that Allah wants me turn back to him??

Psychological Problems |