You are sinful for communicating with this woman as she is a non mahram to you and she is not yet your wife. You must stop all communications with her. 

The prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam had told us that there are 3 categories of people who won’t enter paradise and he mentioned among them is the dayyouth. 

He defined him by saying that he is a person who approves sins related to his womenfolk such as posting their photos in haram and free mixing etc. 

You may fit this description like a a glove for saying that you love her!

If you are a true man, you would break your engagement with such a woman immediately and save yourself from the likes of her as she is pure evil and has no shame or bashfulness in her! She would only raise your children to be like that and you will never rest as you don’t know what she is doing behind your back when you leave to work!

How would you marry a woman who half of the city has seen her photos and only Allah knows what else they had seen??

Be a man and choose someone who is chaste, hijabi and righteous if you want paradise! 

QUESTION: My fiancé studies in a freemixing university and gets angry when I tell her not to freemix and not to upload pictures with boys as audience. I love her very much and want to marry her. Shaykh, I’m very depressed as I don’t want her to freemix. What to do Shaykh ? My heart breaks when boys see her but I love her more than anything except my mother.

Engagement, Pre-Marital Relations |