This is your father’s responsibility and he and your mother will be tormented on the day of judgment for failing to carry out the commands of Allah with their daughter!

You have done your job by advising her. It’s your father’s responsibility to make her wear the proper islamic hijab and if he doesn’t do it then he’s sinful not you since you already gave them dawah. 

Keep reminding her from time to time without nagging and diplomatically, with good manners, wisdom and knowledge. 

QUESTION: I have a younger sister who is a few years past puberty and she does not observe the hijab. This is partly because my parents haven’t ever talked to her about the hijab at all since she was a child and when I advise them that they should teach her about the hijab as it’s important, my mother refuses and threatens me. What can I do?

Fiqh of the family, Women clothing |