Either you are pleasing Allah or pleasing satan! No doubt that by being in contact with this individual, you are displeasing Allah and tarnishing your parents’ reputation as women from honored families do not engage in such premarital relationships. You will soon fall weak and fall into physical relationships and fornication which is the route for your destruction in this life and in the hereafter unless you make an end to it. 

You must break off all communication with him and repent to Allah while showing deep remorse and sincerity for having any communication with him in the first place. 

QUESTION: Halal Dating in Islam I like a guy and he is in my university with me. We are not in a physical relationship but plan on marrying once we’re done with our degree which is in 2 years. I haven’t told my parents yet since they will say that this is not the right time and will ask me to cut contact with him while his parents know that he likes someone and is planning on marrying them. What should I do in this situation?

Pre-Marital Relations |