You have all the right to say no to any proposal that you don’t like and nobody can force you to marry someone against your wish.

However, you should also keep in mind that good proposals are rare to find and if he’s religiously committed with correct aqeedah and good manners, has a good, halal income then you should compromise on looks as looks will fade away after a few years, what remains is his nature, religion and his conduct.

I have many cases where girls wait for their prince charming and the age slips from their hands and they end up old and single!

QUESTION: Sheikh, I am currently in an indecisive situation right now. I have had many people come to ask for my hand in marriage however, I rejected them because I haven’t really had an interest in any of them. So there is someone else who is now asking for my hand in marriage and I’m not sure if I should settle to avoid disappointing my mother again, or if I should remain patient.

Fiqh of Marriage |