You shouldn’t marry someone you don’t want to marry him just because you fear losing respect for your family!

If that person is a suitable suitor and a practicing Muslim with a good salary and comes from a good family, he is a bargain that you must not lose!

The one you love is just a mirage and many such affairs were bound to fail after marriage because he didn’t turn to be as he claimed.

Be more realistic and weigh the pros and cons. If you can’t accept the one you are engaged to at all, break the engagement but also forget all about the one you have feelings for as your father will never accept him and he will never marry you. 

QUESTION: Is it okay to feel like I’ll be happy and content in marrying someone,according to his deen and akhlaq, even after getting engaged to someone else?both of us are praying to Allah& waiting for some miracle bcs we like eachother for Allah’s sake alone and want to get married. as now cancelling an engagement without any prop reason would cost family’s respect. what should be done in this scenario

Fiqh of Marriage |