It is totally prohibited for you to be in contact by any means with such a person whether he is Muslim or not. 

You must repent to Allah and show remorse over your past and ask Allah for forgiveness 

You can ask Allah to guide his heart to Islam but must not be in any form of contact with him at all or Allah will not accept your repentance. 

QUESTION: Im 15 and left a haram rel. for Allah after 2yrs.He isnt muslim.He promised to marry me.i did isthikhara 5-6 times & evrything was perfect than before & asked signs from Allah and got it. whn i think abt moving on my heart just cant accept it. I lv him so much & so did he.He liked islam.Would i be sinful to pray for his hidayah evrydy & ask to get married to him?(can nvr tell my parents abt this)

Pre-Marital Relations |