What do you suggest instead? How would you earn to pay the rent and feed yourself and your family? How would you get married and raise a family?

Would like to work as a janitor or a trash collector for the rest of your life? 

Do not speak without knowledge about Islam and what Allah created us for as it is clear you have no idea what Islam is about! 

If you want to become a dropout, don’t justify this by using Islam and simply attribute it to your own failure and inability to study. 

QUESTION: I wanted to ask if the whole school system is halal, i go to a school (has men and women, seperate classrooms though) and the men dont talk to women, but we have female teachers, also it takes up around 10-12 hours of my everyday, allah created us to worship him not to go to school, is it harsm to g9 to school everyday and waste half your life just to get money when you grow older (dunya)

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