Running away from home is like jumping from the pan into the fire.

The roof over your head is a bigger blessing than you can ever imagine, despite the bullying.

Each person goes through different trials.

Abusive people act the way they do in order to upset and depress others. They live and thrive on peoples negative responses and reactions.

If you meet their abuse and rudeness with a smile, you never defend yourself when they accuse you of anything even if little and you don’t argue with them at all, this would kill them slowly. Whenever they talk trash to you, simply smile and do not respond or engage with them as if they don’t exist. They will shout and scream, but you will remain calm and show no reaction to whatever they say or do. After sometime, they will feel silly and neglected and they will eventually stop.

QUESTION: Sheikh whenever my mother gets upset even for a small thing she could speak ill towards us, hurtful things. How can we stop her from this? Even if we try to tell her nicely if she is not angry or share to her lectures about this it seems that she never changes or realize that we can be hurt whenever she says negative things.She never apologises to us coz for her she’s our mother.

QUESTION: I have a very toxic relation with my parent they bully me, talk bad about my character with my relatives and I’m a girl. They did my studies private as well. They bully me every day. I’m so done that I want to su*cide. I’m so distracted that I can’t focus on my Deen and my studies.My question is that can I runaway from my parents house and start a new life myself?

Fiqh of the family |